
Itunu Alaba

Minster Itunu Alaba

About Itunu Alaba

About Itunu Alaba

Min. Itunuoluwa Alaba is a lover of God and a Minstrel by life.

She is a graduate of Accountancy from the prestigious Yaba College of Technology, She's also the Convener of Women of Purpose otherwise known as Abba's Purposeful woman. The Ministry ensures that sisters are taught in the way of the Lord and that they choose to intentionally walk with the Lord.

Furthermore, she started a mission by instruction from the Lord, it's called the Shining Light Mission, teenagers, boys and girls of different schools are being reached out to and shown the Light of Jesus through the transforming power of God's word. Many children have seen the Light through this Mission.

She is a woman of grace and the power of God flows through her life. She's a mother, a midwife, a lover and a great help.

She is a wonder and a blessing to us. Download Itunu Alaba's songs and messages below.

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