
Pastor Karounwi Damilola Gabriel

 Pastor Karounwi Damilola Gabriel

About Pastor Karounwi Damilola Gabriel

About Pastor Karounwi Damilola Gabriel

Pastor Karounwi Damilola Gabriel was born and raised in a Christian home. He is the Principal of Menorah School of the Spirit Word; an enclave anchored on the pursuit for the infallible words of the Father of Light. Pastor Karounwi was born into the Karounwi's family on 22nd November. He's a Graduate of Yaba College of Technology where he studied Urban and Regional Planning. During his campus days, he served as the Prayer Coordinator and Vice President of the C&S Unification, Yabatech Chapter a.k.a UNICASS. He also served as the State Bible Study Secretary for NCCF Kebbi State during his service year, he was also privileged to be the NCCF State Conference Chairman during his tenure. He worked with a telecommunication company and a Realtor before being instructed to drop the job for a full time engagement of the Gospel. He was officially ordained a Pastor in 2015 but he has been preaching for about 11 years. He is a dynamic and itinerant Minister of the Gospel fully committed to raising men of stature and ranking in Christ. His passion for this was made to bare in the School he pioneered. He is a member of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church. However, he is an interdenominational preacher with a desire that all souls be fed and nurtured by the word of God irrespective of their denomination. Habakkuk 2:14; _For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea_ has always been his watchword. 

His utmost desire is to avoid teaching his generation errors hereby sponsoring his appetite for consistent study and meditation on God's word. God through him has wrought many faultless and undeniable signs and wonders, shifting paradigms and bringing to bare the Revelation of the Christ via succinct inspired teachings. He is happily married to Mrs. Karounwi Itunu Louisa and they are blessed with a bouncing baby boy.

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