Prophet Abraham Adebayo
About Prophet Abraham Adebayo
Prophet Abraham Adebayo is called and ordained a Prophet by the Lord, Abraham Adebowale Adebayo is the set man of Grace for all Men International Ministry, Erin-Ile, and the convener of the 72 hours Intercession for C&S Churches. Though a minister in the C&S church, Prophet Abraham Adebayo is a servant of God sent for the edification of the body of Christ. He is presently the secretary of the Oyun Ministers Forum; an umbrella body for all gospel ministers in Oyun Local Government of Kwara state. He is also convener of the Path of the Fathers Conference (PFC), a meeting committed to preserving the ancient path trod by fathers of old in the Christian faith. He is committed to discipleship, and compelling men to live a life of consecration, purity, power, and prosperity in fulfilling their ministry in God. He is married and blessed with wonderful children.
Prophet Abraham Adebayo is a sound teacher of the word, a psalmist, a pastor at C&S Oke-Igbala in Erin Ile, he is known for his spirit filled messages, especially on consecration.